Designer, Researcher, Developer Project Oswald is an archive of pre- COVID-19 life. I collected responses from individuals about their daily life and compiled it into this time-capsule as part of a capstone project.
Project Oswald
Designer Over the course of 5 months, I designed posters with custom icons for BookOff NYC. This project was so successful that my designs are being used in stores across the country.
BookOff USA CX Design
Highlighted Projects Skill-set Summary Projects By Eli
Design Lead Though a Developer Bootcamp, I took on interaction design ideation and collaborated with our lead developer to bring you an AR app that DIYers and kallax’s fans will love. I also made the team logo :D
Oh! You found Bruno’s house :D
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Researcher In 2023, I created, distributed and analyzed a project exploring sentiments towards robots and cyborgs. What began as a curiosity, blossomed into a massive exploration.
2023 Cyborg Sentiments
Here are 4 projects that I would like to highlight. I believe they showcase my skills quite well.
The Projects You’re Excited to Hear About Highlighted Projects The B-log