In 2023, I created a survey exloring current feeling towards cyborgs and robots. Thr project spaned the length of my master’s degree career, culminating in this page
Projects By Eli Highlighted Projects Skillset Summary The B-log
2023 Cyborg Sentiment Analysis
Completion . . .
June 2023 - Studying Survey Design - Survey creation - First participancts - Prelimenary results
I learned how to design a survey in the summer of 2023. I tested the survey, recieved feedbakc and made changes. I also had my first round of analysis. My skills were not on par for the questions I asked, but I continued my pursit of curiosity
The survey is closed for 2023
September 2023 - Learning Quantitive Analysis - Learning Sentiment Analysis - Studying Text as Data - Increased survey promotion
This is where the project became something bigger. In the fall of 2023, I decided to look at the short comings of my past exploration and learn how to analyze text as data. This was a huge component of my research, but at the time of my first analysis, I had not idea how to interpret text data.
December 2023 - Released The Analysis
In Decmber of 2023, months of work was shared in a research poster titled “2023 Cyborg Sentiment Analysis: The Current Social Standing of Cyborgs and Robots in Society
View the poster and supplementary materials here
January 2024 - Further Exploration - Conferences - Extensive Reading List
At the December 2023 poster session, a classmate asked an interesting question: “Do you think there is an overlap with gender?” It turns out, there is . . . and a massive amount of material to read on it. My exploration of sentiments, the technological other, and policy has many overlapts with feminist and queer studies, as well as eugenics and racism. My masters level curosity was really a PhD’s worth of reading,
Watch my Gatherverse SHE Summit Presentation Watch my Winter DACSS 604 presentation